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How do I sign up for a membership?
Updated over 9 months ago

We want to continue to provide you with excellent services when signing up for our Membership. It only takes 3 easy steps:

Step 1:

Go to our Membership section. Choose your preferred membership plan: Quarterly, Monthly, or Annually. Then, click on the "Join Our Membership" button.

Step 2:

Complete the payment process with Account and Payment Information.

Step 3:

Welcome to The Personal Development School! Please check your email to verify your account. You can now begin your journey and access your course or program.

[Optional] Step 4:

In some cases, you'll have to set a password. Please choose a password to activate your account. If you accidentally close the page don't worry! Just check the P.S. section at the bottom of your welcome email for a link to set your password. Once you're done. You can now begin your journey and access your course or program.

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